dates & deets.
Beginning Tuesday, October 5th, the Turning Point Church staff with begin a 3-week fitness challenge together as we pursue after the health and strength we will need to accomplish what God desires for our church before the end of this year.
This weekly challenge will be an individual one, as well as a team one, as the staff will be divided into three separately teams: Team Turner, Team Jones & Team Ford.
Lastly, our weekly challenge will be tracking our progress in the following three areas:
1) Step Counts.
Every week, we will count the steps we have walked individually, and as a part of our assigned team with the goal of acquiring over 7,000 to steps a day.
2) Sleep Hours.
Every week, we will count the hours we have slept individually, and as a part of our assigned team with the goal of acquiring at least 7 hours a day.
All staff members will be provided a Fitbit Inspire 2 Health & Fitness Tracker to track your step count and sleep hours!
3) Weight Loss.
And lastly, with the help of a local fitness partner, we will weighed individually, and as a part of our assigned team to discover who has shaved off the most weight each week. Weigh-ins will be private.

extra credit.
And just in case there should be a tie in our individual or team challenges, our very own staff registered dietitian, Emily Stewart, will be leading 30-minute workouts on-site on Mondays and Wednesdays for anyone interested. Participants will earn an extra point each time they go (and will probably pick up some great healthy eating tips along the way!)
Week One + Individual Winners:
Step Count Winner: Eric Dozier
Sleep Count Winner: Jonathan Bavaro
Weight Loss Winner: Micha Turner
Week One + Team Winners:
Step Count Winners: Team Turner
Sleep Count Winners: Team Turner
Weight Loss Winners: Team Jones
Week Two + Individual Winners:
Step Count Winner: Eric Dozier
Sleep Count Winner: Jonathan Bavaro
Weight Loss Winner: Neidine Laurenceau
Week Two + Team Winners:
Step Count Winner: Team Turner
Sleep Count Winner: Team Ford
Weight Loss Winner: Team Ford
Week Three + Individual Winners:
Step Count Winner: Eric Dozier
Sleep Count Winner: Jonathan Bavaro
Weight Loss Winner: Ps. Rob Jones
Week Three + Team Winners:
Step Count Winner: Team Turner
Sleep Count Winner: Team Jones
Weight Loss Winner: Team Ford
Step Count Grand Prize Winners:
Eric Dozier (& Team Turner)
Sleep Count Grand Prize Winners:
Jonathan Bavaro (& Team Jones)
Weight Loss Grand Prize Winners:
Neidine Laurenceau (& Team Ford)
Check Out This Encouragement From Billy Blanks (Actor, Martial Artist and Creator of the world-famous Tae Bo Fitness Program) // TaeBoNation.com
“Dear Friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit.”
- 3 John 1:2
“If racing against mere men makes you tired, how will you race against horses?”
- Jeremiah 12:5